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Monster Brains 

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The Missive:

from Potwory

Artist Essay

 Aleksandra Waliszewska is a modern Gothic painter, most of her works in this gallery are upfront unsettling and explicit. Her paintings are often creepy and disturbing. She fits in our gallery because all of her work is considered horror and it ties together with every other artist in this gallery in a different sense. Her paintings are incontestably scary, and their sinister nature leaves the audience with macabre emotions. 

 She was born 1976 in Warsaw, Poland. She is still alive today and still creating new works of art. She attended and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She currently resides in Warsaw, Poland. She is a formally trained artist even though she does not take the traditional approach in most of her paintings. She has  exhibited her work all around Poland and furthermore all around the world. One specific example is when she exhibited her work was in the Polish art gallery of the academy.

Aleksandra’s work is a mixture of Gothic, surrealism, and romanticism with references to Heronim Bosch and Francisco de Goya. Critics have gone as far to describe her work as "strange, highly imaginative, informal figures that refer to the late Gothic aesthetic" recognizing the dark nature of her paintings. Her technique altogether is a mixture of precise and a bit “childlike,” precise in the sense that the features in each character is plainly recognized but her form of painting in more loose. Altogether she does not take a traditional approach to her work, she herself tries to stray from what critics may deem contemporaneity. Most of her paintings are focused on female children, sex, and violence."The artist’s fascinations revolve around the dark side where it is easy to succumb to a momentary madness, where the macabre meets the grotesque, whereby beauty is accompanied by horror. The viewer enters the world created by Waliszewska and encounters the intricate and complex mixture of meanings, the key to which has been carefully hidden." Her work is something she does not intellectualize, but rather describes as an emotion. 


To go ahead and try to analyze each of her paintings is to ignore everything Aleksandra Waliszewska is trying to express when she shares her art. Her paintings are not meant to be analyzed and given a meaning, but rather felt. To elaborate on her paintings on the bottom left the painting “Monster Brains” was released in her second volume of her book anthology of her artwork. It depicts monsters getting the better of humans only to survive when the human becomes a monster themselves. The middle two paintings are similar in the sense that they depict women being mutilated and in pain. In the top left a girl is created a pool for men  with her own flesh, this is nonetheless a comment on women and their relationship with men. On the top right there is an image of red eyes, most of the titles of these artworks are unknown, the feeling when you see this image is nothing but unsettling. It is just red eyes in a pink background. The entire face is missing which eludes something bad that one cannot put their finger on. Finally, on the far right we have “The Missive: from Potwory” it is simply are girl that looks like a demon with a bright background. This contrast between the person and the background created a creepy environment where you just have to look away.  

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